Delete all Facebook Messages at Once

Delete all Facebook Messages

Facebook has become one essential part of daily life; Without using Facebook you cannot stay out of it; So now in this article, we are going to talk about Deleting all Facebook Messages at once;

Deleting messages on Facebook is not an easy task when you have too many friends and you talk too much; Those who don’t talk much they can delete one by one but those who talk with many friends then this might be the hardest thing;

Becuase Facebook keeps chat history of every person that you talked with and now they are also connecting those who are newly joined on messenger;

How to Delete all Facebook Messages at Once

So now question may arise, how can I delete my Facebook messages; It’s so simple either you delete them individually or either you use the extensions or plugins to delete them all;

An individual method that you guys already know but an extension based method to delete Facebook messages we are going to talk about that;

Step 1: On Google, You Can Search for the extension “Delete All Messages for Facebook™”.

Step 2: You can install that extension on your Google Chrome and you are good to go;

Step 3: Now you will see the extension installed on Your Google Chrome; After that, you need to log in your Facebook and go to the message section;

After getting the list of messages on Messenger, you will have to click on extension button that is available on the right side of the browser; That will search for available messages on the work area and then click on delete messages button that’s it to do Delete all Facebook Messages;

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