How to Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu 18.04 / Ubuntu 16.04

install google chrome on ubuntu

In this article, you will know about how to install google chrome on ubuntu 18.04 or lower version. If you are a new Ubuntu user then we would like to mention that there is no Chrome available, you will have to install that and it is different between installing applications on Windows Operating Systems and Open Source Ubuntu;

So What is Ubuntu then?

Ubuntu is a free and open source operating system and Linux distribution based on Debian. Ubuntu is offered in three official editions: Ubuntu Desktop for personal computers, Ubuntu Server for servers.

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How to Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu 18.04

Now here to install Google Chrome on Ubuntu you can go through Ubuntu software center but still there not the actual version of Google Chrome, but you will get another browser which is similar to Google Chrome which is named as Chromium.

Follow these steps to install Google Chrome on Ubuntu;

  • From given link, you can download Download Chrome for Ubuntu…, you will need to download .deb file from the official site of Google.

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How to install Google Chrome using the terminal on Ubuntu…

sudo dpkg –I google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
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