Still using Blogger? This is how you add Feedburners Feed Count button

feed count button

Feedburner is the kind of add-on service for bloggers and web publishers, the Feedburner tracks the people who subscribe to your blog by using Really Simple Syndication(RSS).

Interesting thing is that Feedburner helps you to feed your readers. If and only if they have subscribed to your blog. Simply RSS is that kind of technology who grabs your contents in the single page and share it on subscribers email.

There are many bloggers, they still use Feedburner as a free subscription platform. So this might help you guys as well.

Create a Feedburner Account

That code is for email subscription, you will have to put that code on your website and the subscription form will appear there.

But here in this article, we are talking about the Feedburner Feed Count button. Let’s do it in a very simple way;

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