9 Easy Tips To Reduce Carbon Footprint At Work
We keep our homes and humble abodes as green and as environmental-friendly as possible. However, we often ignore our workspace, where we spend our maximum amount of time. The computer systems are always on, the AC is always running and what not.

We keep our homes and humble abodes as green and as environmental-friendly as possible. However, we often ignore our workspace, where we spend our maximum amount of time. The computer systems are always on, the AC is always running and what not.
This inevitably leads to carbon footprints. It is essentially the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual or organisation. Carbon footprint is dangerous to nature as it impacts the climate and results in depletion of resources on a large scale. Therefore, we should try and reduce it to a minimum and here are a few ways to decrease the carbon footprint in workspaces. Take the guide:
1) Measure your Carbon Footprint
Rather than going on guesswork as to how much carbon footprint is released, workplaces can install a carbon footprint calculator. Offices can also hire green consultants or appoint an employee who’ll be in charge of managing green activities
2) Unplug your Device
Even when your appliances aren’t plugged but the switch is on, you’re contributing to the carbon footprint. When the wire is plugged into the socket, it’s drawing energy. So, leave the electronics unplugged unless actually using it.
3) Use Rechargeable Batteries
Battery acid is one of the most dangerous types of acid. Therefore, energy storage by using rechargeable batteries is a great way to reduce waste. They are good for environment too as they are easy to recycle. Switching to rechargeable batteries means less consumption of disposable ones leading to reduced carbon footprint.
4) Eat Local or Organic
Having a small office garden isn’t a huge deal nowadays. Where employees can water the plants to reduce their stress levels and also get good organic vegetables and fruits. Buying food every day from the cafeteria or ordering food everyday is neither healthy for you or the environment.
5) Recycle
Recycling is one of the significant components that reduce carbon footprint. It should be done to every object as it reaches its final stage. Plastics items, paper, office furniture can be used for recycling. Electronics can be recycled through e-recycling companies. However, proper data wiping procedures should be performed to keep the data in place and secure.
6 ) Plant Indoor Plants
Putting plants in the office not only makes it aesthetic, beautiful but also very beneficial for reducing carbon footprint as plants absorb carbon dioxide. One can buy indoor plants online as well. There are many trusted online stores which deliver indoor plants to your doorstep.
7) Watch your Paper Usage
One of the easiest ways to reduce waste in a workplace is to keep paper usage under check. Printing things that are an absolute necessity and printing the page on both sides should be done. Many workplaces are trying to go paperless.
8) Green office Week
The month of May is celebrated as a Green Office Week in the United Kingdom. The idea behind it is to mobilise green objectives and have fun while doing this. Something like this can be done in our country too.
9) Check on Deliveries and Errands
One should make sure that trips outside the office are well coordinated where extra trips can be minimised by waiting for a longer time and collecting more items that may need to go for posting. The delivery company here too needs to cooperate with the office. Constant vigilance should be kept on the fact that the items are packed using reusable items
Once these steps are followed, carbon footprint reduction measurement should be checked time and again. Even if one takes a single small step at a time, it can go on to become something great. So, start today.