200+ Computer Abbreviations List: IT Related Abbreviations
In this article, I’m going to list out over 200+ Computer acronyms or computer abbreviations list; Which will surely help you with your quiz game or exams; These IT related abbreviations will be very useful if you are studying computer or IT related courses and etc…
200+ Computer Abbreviations List: IT Related Abbreviations
If you find any acronyms repeated please let us know in a comment section;
- PSK- Phase Shift Keying
- ASK- Amplitude Shift Keying
- FSK- Frequency Shift Keying
- FM- Frequency Modulation
- PM- Phase Modulation
- ALU- Arithmetic And Logic Unit
- OSI- Open System Interconnection
- RGB- Red Green Blue
- LAN- Local Area Network
- WAN- Wide Area Network
- WLAN- Wireless Local Area Network
- ACM- Association for Computing Machinery
- NCP- Network Control Protocol
- TCP- Transmission Control Protocol
- IP- Internet Protocol (Internetworking Protocol)
- UDP- User Datagram Protocol
- ISPs- Internet Service Providers
- NISP- National Internet Service Providers
- NSPs- Network Access Points
- MBPS- MegaByte Per Second
- GBPS- Giga Byte Per Second
- KBPS- Kilo Byte Per Second
- ANSI- American National Standards Institute
- IEEE- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- EIA- Electronic Industries Association
- SCTP- Stream Control Transmission Protocol
- ARP- Address Resolution Protocol
- RARP- Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
- ICMP- Internet Control Message Protocol
- VOIP- Voice Over Internet Protocol
- FTP- File Transfer Protocol
- URL- Uniform Resource Locator
- dB- Decibel
- SNR- Signal to Noise Ratio
- NRZ- Non- Return-to-Zero
- RZ- Return-to-Zero
- NRZ-L- Non-Return-to-Zero- Level
- NRZ-I-Non- Return-to-Zero- Inverse
- AMI- Alternation Mark Inversion
- DM- Delta Modulation
- ABC = Atanasoff Berry Computer
- AC = Alternating Current
- Admin = Administrator
- AGP = Accelerated Graphics Port
- AI = Artificial Intelligence
- ALGOL = Algorithmic Oriented Language
- Alt = Alter (Alternate)
- ANSI = American National Standards Institute
- APL = A programming Language
- ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- ASP = Active Server Page
- ASPI = Advanced SCSI Programming Interface
- AUTOEXEC = Automatic Execution
- BCR = Bar Code Reader
- BOF = Beginning Of File
- BPS = Bits per Second
- .COM = Command
- CAI = Computer Aided Instruction
- CAL = Computer Assisted Learning
- CAM = Common Access Method
- CAT = Computer Assisted/ Aided Training
- CD = Computer Disk
- CD = Change Directory
- CD R/W = Computer Disk Read/Write
- CD-ROM = Computer Disk Read Only Memory
- AM = Amplitude Modulation
- ARPA = Advanced Research Project Agency
- ARPANET = Advance Research Project Agency Network Interchange
- BAT = Batch
- BASIC = Beginners All Symbolic Instruction Code
- BCD = Binary Coded Decimal
- BINAC = Binary Automatic Computer
- BIOS = Basic Input Output System
- PC DOS = Personal Computer Disk Operating System
- IBM = International Business Machines
- ENIAC = Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
- EDSAC = Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer
- EDVAC = Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
- UNIVAC = Universal Automatic Computer
- IC = Intergraded Circuit
- MIR = Magnetic Ink Character Reader
- CD ROM = Compact Disk Read Only Memory
- ROM = Read Only Memory
- PL/1 = Programming Language-1
- PROLOG = Programming Logic
- RPG = Report Program Generator
- EGA = Enhanced Graphic Adaptor
- SVGA = Super Video Graphic Array
- DRAM =Dynamic RAM
- PROM = Programmable Read Only Memory
- EPROM = Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory
- EEPROM = Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory
- ICL = International Computers Limited
- NCC = National Computer Center
- XT = Extended Technology
- AT = Advanced Technology
- PS/2 = Personal System-2
- MD2D = Minidisk Double Sided Double Density
- MD2HD = Minidisk Double Sided High Density
- MFD2D = Micro Floppy Disk Double Sided Double Density
- MFD2HD = Micro Floppy Disk Double Sided High Density
- MICR = Magnetic Ink Character Reader
- IOS = Input Output System
- CMD = Command
- EX = Execute
- MD = Make Directory
- RD = Remove Directory
- CHDir = Check Directory
- CODASuL = Conference of Data Systems Languages
- PC = Personal Computer
- CPU = Central Processing Unit
- OS = Operating System
- PC DOS = Personal Computer Disk Operating System
- UNIVAC = Universal Automatic Computer
- IC = Intergraded Circuit
- LSI = Large Scale Interrogation
- VDU = Visual Display Unit
- MIR = Magnetic Ink Character Reader
- MDA = Monochrome Display Adaptor
- CGA = Color Graphic Adaptor
- MCGA = Multi-Colored Graphic Adaptor
- VGA = Video Graphic Array
- COBOL = Common Business Oriented Language
- CODASYL = Conference of Data Systems Languages
- FORTRAN = Formula Translation
- LISP = List Processor
- SNOBOL = String Oriented Symbolic Language
- FORTH = Fourth Generation Languages
- UPS = Uninterrupted Power Supply
- CPU = Central Processing Until
- CU = Control Unit
- MU = Memory Unit
- ICL = International Computers Limited
- RAM: Random Access Memory
- DVD: Digital Versatile Disk
- FDD: Floppy Disk Drive
- HDD: Hard Disk Drive
- GIGO: Garbage in Garbage Out
- E-Book: Electronic Book
- IBMASCC: International Business Machine Automatic Sequence Control Calculator
- ABC: Atanasoff-Berry Computer
- ACE: Automatic Computing Engine
- IBM PC: International Business Machine Personal Computer
- PDA: Personal Digital Assistant
- MAR: Memory Address Register
- MBR: Memory Buffer Register
- IR: Instruction Register
- I/O: Input / Output
- DDR: Dual Data Rate
- DRAM: Dynamic Random Access Memory
- SDRAM: Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
- SRAM: Static Random Access Memory
- PROM: Programmable Read Only Memory
- EPROM: Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
- EEPROM: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
- PATA: Parallel Advance Technology Attachment
- SATA: Serial Advance Technology Attachment
- CD-RW: Compact Disk RE-WRITABLE
- LED: Light Emitting Diodes
- OMR: Optical Mark Reader
- OCR: Optical Character Reader
- UPC: Universal Product Code
- CRT: Cathode Ray Tube
- LCD: Liquid Crystal Display
- USB: Universal Serial Bus
- IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
- DBMS: Database Management System
- RTOS: Real-Time Operating System
- CUI: Character User Interface(CLI: Command Line Interface)
- GUI: Graphic User Interface
- NTFS: New Technology File System
- FAT: File Allocation Table
- MLL: Machine Level Language
- ALL: Assembly Level Language
- HLL: High Level Language
- 4GL: Fourth Generation Language
- WWW: World Wide Web
- HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language
- HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
- URL: Uniform Recourse Locator
- API: Application Program Interface
- CMOS: Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
- MAN: Metropolitan Area Network
- MIPS: Million Instruction Per Second
- Modem: Modulator-Demodulator
- OLE: Object Linking and Embedding
- VB: Visual Basic
- SAPTA: South Asians Free Trade Area
- ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
- BIU= Bus Interface Unit
- CD= Compact Disk
- ATX= Advanced Technology Extended
- DAT= Digital Audio Tape
- DBMS= Database Management System
- DC= Direct Current
- DHCP= Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- DMA= Direct Memory Access
- DNA= Digital Network Architecture
- WINS= Window Internet Name Service
- VPN= Virtual Private Network
- UDP= User Datagram Protocol
- SMPS= Switch Mode Power Supply
- TB= TeraByte
- TT= Typing Tutor
- RJ= Round Jacket
- PSDN= Packet Switching Data Networking
- NIC= Network Interface Card
- NFS= Network File System
- NOS= Network Operating System
- NetBUi= NetBIOS Extended User Interface
- MS-DOS= Microsoft Disk Operating System
- MB= MegaBytes
- Mb= MegaBits
- IP= Internet Protocol
- WAN= Wide Area Network
- ISO= International Standard Organization
- KB= KiloByte
- IC= Integrated Circuit
- GHz= GigaHertz
- FTP= File Transfer Protocol
- DNS= Domain Name System
- IEEE= Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- IBM= International Business Machine
- XAMPP : Apache MySQL Perl PHP
- IDK : AquaLogic Interaction Development Kit
- SCM : Source Code Management
- RPC : Remote Procedure Call
- XML : Extended Markup Language
- CVS : Concurrent Versions System
- PHP : Hypertext Preprocessor
- DSL : Domain Specific Language
- QA : Quality Assurance
- JVM : Java Virtual Machine
- E-MAIL : Electronic Mail
- CAN : Computer Association Nepal
- ISP’s : Internet Service Providers
- GNP : Gross National Product
- FGCS : First Generation Computer System
- IBM : International Business Machine
- LIPS : Logical inferences per second
- KR : Knowledge Representation
- DART : Data Assimilation Research and Transition
- ALVINN : Autonomous Land Vehicle in a Neural Network
- IBM-PC : International Business Machine – Personal Computer
- AMP : Apcahe, MySQL, PHP
- CAD : Computer Added Design
- FORTRAN : FORmula Translation
- PDF : Portable Document Format
- WORA : Write Once Run Anywhere
- UNIX : Uniplexed Information and Computing Service
- VMs : Virtual Machine
- POSIX : Portable Operating System Interface based on UNIX
- LINUX : Linus Torvald’s UNIX
- EPUB : Electronic Publication
- SWF : Shock Wave Flash
- API : Application Programming Interface
- POJOs : Plain Old Java Object
- MVC : Model View Controller
- HTTP : Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
- JFC : Java Foundation Classes
- RTF : Rich Text Format
- IFC : Internet Foundation Classes
- OSGI : Open services Gateway Initiative
- SQL : Structured Query Language
- GPS: Global Positioning System
- SOAP : Simple Object Access Protocol
- XML-RPC : EXtended Markup Language – Remote Procedure Call
- REST : Representational State Transfer
- NDAs : Non-Disclosure Agreement
- SOA : Service Oriented Architecture
- J2EE : Java 2 Enterprise Edition
- ORM : Object Relational Mapping
Wrapping it up
If you find any issues with the terms and their full forms please let us know in the comment section; We will try to fix that as soon as possible; And I hope this list will help you learning new terminologies;