Five Great Gadgets and Devices for Health Monitoring
These sophisticated devices can do things such as track activity, count steps, monitor vital signs like your heart rate, create reports that can be sent to your doctor, allow you to set up reminders, and basically encourage you to be fit. If you’re new to the category of health monitoring devices and gadgets, here are five that can get you started.

One of the biggest trends taking place in the gadget industry right now is one that is aiming to help improve the health of people. Health monitoring devices have exploded onto the scene in a big way over the past few years, and they continue to improve, offering more features and accuracy with each new device, model, and update. These sophisticated devices can do things such as track activity, count steps, monitor vital signs like your heart rate, create reports that can be sent to your doctor, allow you to set up reminders, and basically encourage you to be fit.
If you’re new to the category of health monitoring devices and gadgets, here are five that can get you started.
Fitness Tracker Watches
An absolutely huge trend right now are the fitness watches that are able to track such things as your steps, activity, sleep, calories burned, monitor your heart rate, and more. Many are compatible with your mobile phone so they can also provide you with message alerts and incoming calls. You’ll find them in an array of price points and styles, which means there’s bound to be a model that works for your needs.
Portable Gluten Tester
Gluten allergies and celiac disease are two things that never seemed to even be talked about just a decade ago, yet today people are incredibly mindful of the gluten content in food and products. For those who may be new to living with either of these conditions, or who just don’t like having to guess if an item is free of gluten, the portable gluten tester could be the perfect answer.
Developed by 6SensorLabs, this gluten tester – called Nima – is the first in the world. It is able to provide you with a quick answer so you know if the item is safe or not.
Medical Alert System
Here’s a device that may not seem that important – that is until the day comes where you actually need it. Medical alert systems are not only great devices to have, but they can end up saving a life. They are excellent for seniors, but really anyone can benefit from them. These are meant to be used in emergencies when you need medical assistance. They provide 24/7 monitoring, along with other features that are dependent on the model. Some can be used both at home, and through mobile use.
The Medical Alert Buyers Guide takes a look at good elderly medical alert devices available on the market right now, examining all the pros and cons of the top models. It can help you make an educated purchase decision.
Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor
For those who need to keep track of their blood pressure, the wireless blood pressure monitor is a must-have. This is great for on-the-go monitoring, travel, and for those who don’t want to store a bulky blood pressure monitor at home. These monitors tend to be packed full of features such as being able to read your blood pressure, keep track of the readings over time, and offer tips. Typically, they are compatible with smartphones using Bluetooth technology.
UV Wand for Eliminating Germs
While this one doesn’t exactly monitor any type of health information, it is a health gadget. If you’re the type that is always hyper-aware of the germs on surfaces, especially when out and about, then you may wish to invest in a UV-C germ eliminating wand. These wands are used to sanitize surfaces, killing up to 99.9% of the viruses and bacteria found. This is perfect when traveling or just on the go, and is a must have for those with compromised immune systems.
A Trend that Shows No Signs of Stopping
It seems as though health devices and monitoring gadgets are showing no signs of slowing, and as technology improves, you can expect to see more great ideas and launches.