Hotkeys or Shortcut Keys for VLC Media Player

Hotkeys generally called as a shortcut keys and they are really helpful while you need to perform your task so quickly. VLC Media support many shortcut keys you can apply them and change any setting so quickly.
In this article, we are going to list out all the shortcut keys available for the VLC media player.
Shortcut Keys for VLC Media Player
Action | Hotkey |
Full screen | F |
Exit full screen | Esc |
Play pause | Space |
Pause only | Browser stop |
Play only | Browser refresh |
Faster | + |
Slower | – |
Normal rate | = |
Faster (Fine) | ] |
Slower (Fine) | [ |
Next | N |
Previous | P |
Stop | S |
Position | T |
Very short backwards jump | Shift + Left |
Very short forward jump | Shift + Right |
Short backwards jump | Alt + Left |
Short forward jump | Alt + Right |
Medium backwards jump | Ctrl + Left |
Medium forward jump | Ctrl + Right |
Long backwards jump | Ctrl + Alt + Left |
Long forward jump | Ctrl + Alt + Right |
Next frame | E |
Activate | Enter |
Navigate Up | Up |
Navigate Down | Down |
Navigate Left | Left |
Navigate Right | Right |
Go to the DVD menu | Shift + m |
Select Previous DVD title | Shift + o |
Select next DVD title | Shift + b |
Select prev DVD chapter | Shift + p |
Select next DVD chapter | Shift + n |
Quit | Ctrl + q |
Volume up | Ctrl + up |
Mute | M |
Subtitle delay up | H |
Subtitle delay down | G |
Subtitle sync / bookmark audio timestamp | Shift + h |
Subtitle sync / bookmark subtitle timestamp | Shift + j |
Subtitle sync / synchronize audio & subtitle timestamps | Shift + k |
Subtitle sync / reset audio & subtitle synchronization | Ctrl + Shift + k |
Audio delay up | K |
Audio delay down | J |
Cycle audio track | B |
Cycle through audio devices | Shift+a |
Cycle subtitle track | V |
Toggle subtitles | Shift+v |
Cycle next program Service ID | X |
Cycle previous program Service ID | Shift+x |
Cycle source aspect ratio | A |
Cycle video crop | C |
Toggle autoscaling | O |
Increase scale factor | Alt+o |
Decrease scale factor | Alt+Shift+o |
Toggle deinterlacing | D |
Cycle deinterlace modes | Shift+d |
Show controller in fullscreen | I |
Context menu | Menu |
Take video snapshot | Shift+s |
Record | Shift+r |
Zoom | Z |
Un-Zoom | Shift+z |
Toggle wallpaper mode in video output | W |
Crop one pixel from the top of the video | Alt+r |
Uncrop one pixel from the top of the video | Alt+Shift+r |
Crop one pixel from the left of the video | Alt+d |
Uncrop one pixel from the left of the video | Alt+Shift+d |
Crop one pixel from the bottom of the video | Alt+c |
Uncrop one pixel from the bottom of the video | Alt+Shift+c |
Crop one pixel from the right of the video | Alt+f |
Uncrop one pixel from the right of the video | Alt+Shift+f |
Random | R |
Normal/Loop/Repeat | I |
1:4 Quarter | Alt+1 |
1:2 Half | Alt+2 |
1:1 Original | Alt+3 |
2:1 Double | Alt+4 |
Set playlist bookmark 1 | Ctrl+F1 |
Set playlist bookmark 2 | Ctrl+F2 |
Set playlist bookmark 3 | Ctrl+F3 |
Set playlist bookmark 4 | Ctrl+F4 |
Set playlist bookmark 5 | Ctrl+F5 |
Set playlist bookmark 6 | Ctrl+F6 |
Set playlist bookmark 7 | Ctrl+F7 |
Set playlist bookmark 8 | Ctrl+F8 |
Set playlist bookmark 9 | Ctrl+F9 |
Set playlist bookmark 10 | Ctrl+F10 |
Play playlist bookmark 1 | F1 |
Play playlist bookmark 2 | F2 |
Play playlist bookmark 3 | F3 |
Play playlist bookmark 4 | F4 |
Play playlist bookmark 5 | F5 |
Play playlist bookmark 6 | F6 |
Play playlist bookmark 7 | F7 |
Play playlist bookmark 8 | F8 |
Play playlist bookmark 9 | F9 |
Play playlist bookmark 10 | F10 |
Clear the playlist | Ctrl + w |