5 Unique Tips To Make Your Business Card Stand Out

Maybe you’re at an important business convention and your idol is there. Maybe you’re at the grocery store and through your idle chat; you have found a prospective customer. Like any other business person, the most logical thing to do is whip out your business card. Chances are, the person you’re about to hand it over to, probably has dozens of them already. How do you make sure your business card stands out from the rest? Here are 5 unique tips just for you!
Use your original photo: The problem with using downloaded images is that there is a probability it appears on another person’s business card. You want yours to be unique so why not use your own photo? Using your original photo will help you in two ways; your prospect will remember who gave them the card and most importantly, they will remember the conversation you had. This will make them feel inclined to buy your product or services.
Don’t compromise on the quality of your business card: After being handed business cards, most people store them in their wallets or pouches and may even go for long periods before looking at them. During this period, the business card may be exposed to wear and tear, after which it may become incomprehensible. Quality is everything. Create a lasting impression through the use of quality paper, legible and easy to read fonts. Let your prospective client know that you value quality through your business card.
Include only the important content: It is tempting to include every single detail about your company on the card. Don’t! This will only make the card look cluttered and be an eyesore. Some important details to include are; social media handles, professional email address telephone number and web address. You can use these same details on your personalized notepads as well.
Be creative- invoke curiosity: If you really want your business card to stand out, you have to strike the perfect balance between creative and professional. The perfect business card has the ability to invoke curiosity and make people want to contact you. It also conveys the professional nature of your business. This can only be achieved through the use of appropriate color, design and graphics that capture the attention of your intended client.
Make it memorable: This could be through the use of catchphrases or slogans. The catch phrase should be shirt and creative so that each time the prospect hears those words, they automatically think of you. Most people ignore this bit yet it is one of the most crucial aspects of a business card. It could also be something personal that will make the intended person feel connected to you.
Are you looking to make your business card stand out? You have got all the tools you need! Through Australia Business Cards JoinPrint and the above tips, you are bound to get more connections through your business card. The beauty of using business cards to grow your business is that you first sell your personality before letting your card seal the deal! Dare to stand out from the rest through quality business cards.