As you can twitter experiments so many things even though they have released a voice tweet system. That sounds amazing, isn’t it?
This is a piece of news covered by cnet.com, a report says where a black programmer at Twitter, changes words like ‘master’, or slave those which feels racists and poses racism.
“Son, you’re a black male, and that’s two strikes against you. – Robert Stephens, 26, Kansas City, MO”
The words were just part of an engineering discussion about restarting a secondary process, but they prompted Augustin to start trying to change Twitter’s use of words with racist connections.
This has been or must be accelerated because of the BlackLiveMatters movement and I feel this is a pretty good idea to counter the use of these types of words. This is not only about BlackLivesMatter case this should be applied in every condition if possible because there are so many people they face cyberbullying and defamation on social media or the internet.