9 Ways To Grow your Business Through Instagram

Instagram is a very Visual platform and Good Photos play a very important role in marketing.
Good Photos appeal to the customers and it also increases Engagement rate. So that is the reason why Instagram is the perfect platform in order to run a successful Internet marketing campaign
Over the past few years, we have seen that Instagram has grown from just being a social networking site to become one of the most major social media marketing platforms.
If you have a solid Instagram account it can transform your social media following and generate a revenue for your business.
Check: Social Media Marketing Tips
Proven Strategies That’ll Help You Grow Your Business on Instagram
#1 Have a clear mindset about your brand and create contents your will customers love: Straight up, Figure out what your customers love to see and give them what the want. Check if the themes and styles of your page are resonated?
Make sure your Profile is optimized
a)Use your company’s name again for your username: Instead of using your personal name, rename it into your Business name
b)Profile picture: Make sure to put the picture of your Brand Logo and use a clear, high-quality image for your profile picture.
c)Your bio: Create a Unique bio for your business or brands. Make sure to show your prospects of what you do. Make it all about your business. You can also create your own brand hashtag and input it in the Bio
d)Your link: Instagram doesn’t allow users to more than 1 links and that is on the Bio. So add your link in the Bio. You could change the link anytime. So for the most part link onto your website Homepage and when you are promoting something, you can link to that product page.
Once you figure out your winning style, populate your account with images, quotes, and promotions that tie into your business.
Using Hashtags For Digital Marketing
#2 Build Your Community
Most Businesses think that the more followers they have, the more their engagement will go up and grow their Instagram Presence
So they end up buying a bunch of followers which are either bots or inactive accounts and then they wonder why they’re not getting results.
Instead of Buying 10,000 followers, build up your community genuinely and increase your followers the right way. Even if your follower’s count is smaller, the engagement will rise up and most likely they are the ones to convert into customers
Don’t just think about followers only, you want to have an engaged audience. These actions will help your community grow even bigger
#3 Post images that hook people eyes
Be very selective about what you post And offer both design and value. A picture is worth a thousand words Like I mentioned before, Instagram is a very visual platform so there are gonna be thousands of post related to yours. So if you don’t stand out you are gonna blend in. If you don’t want to spend money on your post, You can use apps like WordSwag and Typorama to create all of your posts.
#4 Follow brands relevant to your Business
Follow brands and business that relate to yours and engage with them. There is no guarantee that you will get a follow back, especially from these big brands but you can some sort of marketing techniques they are using. You can also Collaborate with the small business, get to know each other audience and promote your business.
#5 Gain More Traction with Hashtags
This is a great way to get more Exposure. Now that you already have engaged loyal fans, ask them to use your branded hashtag and in that way, it will increase your Instagram presence.
Switch your branded hashtags from time to time. Create different hashtags for various promotions, campaigns and determine which one converts well.
Guide for: Using Hashtags For Digital Marketing
#6 Ads
Maybe you wanna try your hand at Ads. Since Instagram is owned by Facebook, Instagram Advertising is also a part of Facebook Ads. You can filter out and target a specific age, gender, location, interest for your Ads.
You can also Choose whether you want to run your ads with an image, video, or carousel ads, with a clickable call-to-action in each. You can check how your ads are performing, how many clicks they have got and how many of them already generated to sales, etc
You can even set your daily budget for your ads
#7 Use Influencers
You can use influencers to post your Product or services in exchange for money. Negotiate the price of your Sponsorship, Timings, etc. Make sure to use Influencers related to your Industry or Niche
#8 Get Creative With Promotional Post
There are many factors why your account is losing followers or not engaging with your content. Among the many reasons, Over Promotional is one of them. Your Followers are gonna scattered away if you only ask them to buy this, buy that. But there is also a way where you can get also promote your product and services and also at the same time don’t scare your fans away
Instead of Posting generic shots of your products only, stage your products in a fun way. You can include the pictures or videos of an influencer using your products. Use Instagram’s grid layout when showcasing your products. This will make your account seem natural and not over promotional
#9 GiveAways
Who doesn’t want Free? Everybody likes to hear the word Free
Do a giveaway on special occasions to let others know about your brand. You can set your own rules for the giveaway. Most of the common method is the tag your friends, Share to win, Selfie contest with the hashtag to win, etc. In this way, you can get much more exposure to your brand
Use these tips to build your following and leverage that into converting your audience into customers.
It will not happen overnight. Be Patient, give your followers what they want and in time you will see your business growing
Have you been using Instagram to grow your Business? Or are you just about to start? Leave a comment and let me know And if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask and leave them below.