Nepali women are going online to share their #MeToo stories

As incidents of sexual harassment and misconduct against men in positions of power continue to proliferate across neighboring India, women in Nepal have also started speaking out about their experiences over social media.
The #MeToo movement, which began last year in the United States;
If you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted write ‘me too’ as a reply to this tweet.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) October 15, 2017
Rape and gross sexual misconduct against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, arrived in India with rekindling of actor Tanushree Dutta’s allegations of sexual harassment against Nana Patekar and journalist Rituparna Chatterjee’s article collating reports from women in the Indian media regarding harassment and misconduct.
Rashmila Prajapati say’s;
Nepal also has serial predators who have been misusing their powers and positions. This is high time to reveal them: politicians, beurocrats, actors, media person, writers, businessperson …. they are everywhere.
I wrote my personal experience two years back in Ratopati and Worldpulse how I had been harassed by former Mayor of Kathmandu metropolis and how I lost my job when I rejected to be sexually exploited. Recently, I read the same person has been harassing a female journalist. It’s been more than 15 years that incident happened to me and the person is still harassing other women. I know, dozens of women who shared, they were harassed by the same person, some are in my fb lists as well. C’mon, we are not voiceless, we can raise our voice clear and loud. We can stop this and we have to let the world know that the former Mayor and Physical Planning Minister of Province no. 3 Keshav Sthapit is the sexual predator. #MeToo#StopEngaging #LetsSpeak #BoycottSexualPredator
Make sure you start supporting the voice of women’s those who’ve suffered; This needs to be acknowledged;
Ujjwala Maharjan say’s
What does it mean when people you meet for one interview for a story you are doing as a journalist, start calling you late at night, not for professional reasons, but to assure you that you are now friends and that you could and should reach out to them anytime you want, and then calling you multiple nights in a row and you do not pick up their calls because you do not understand this but it feels creepy, feels ughhh, till finally, they let you be, and by that point they have destroyed any possibility of you seeing them as friends or even decent human beings? What does this mean? Processing memories that you unconsciously shove away perhaps because it makes you realize, even though you want to be a strong feminist, you have been made to feel weak and uneasy. But seriously, what did that mean, Keshav Sthapit?
And what of this post, I question. What happens now? But if you are reading this, I hope you know you made the younger me feel very squeamish. I hope you question your intentions and I really hope you are no longer making other young women feel uncomfortable, or ughhhh, or worse. #metoonepal