Sell Your Expert Services through your Blog

Everyone wants to earn money from the work they love to do. If you know you can get your audience attracted to your posts then there will be an opening of many ways to monetize your blog and not just you will monetize your blog but also you can make money through your expert services as SEO expert, content writer, consultant, etc and etc. Monetizing a blog is done by every blogger but making money more than other is just a level up in blogging, that isn’t an easy task for beginners, for that definitely expert will be required.
Power to engage more and more traffic to your blog is an ability of an expert blogger and if you can do this, then you can be high on demand in expert services. Why wouldn’t you be hired to engage more traffic to other’s blog as much as you can make it in your blog and yeah you can make your price high too. Everyone will readily give you the amount you ask if you can give what they want from you.
Let’s see how you can sell your expert services through your blog:
#1 Be the right content provider
What’s important for a blog is an audience, without the audience there won’t be any profit. So to attract the audience you need to provide the right content. Be in touch with your audience, help them by providing what kind of information they want. Be responsive, discuss with your audience and provide what they are interested in. You don’t need to sell your expert services directly or by posting just about how good is hiring an SEO expert or a web designer, etc, let them decide through your awesome work in your blog. You’re not just blogging for an audience, but also you’re demonstrating your work to your future clients. If they need someone as good as you, they will just have to ring your bell.
#2 Coaching
Coach your clients, it is a just easy way to sell your expert services. You can coach your client not just face to face but also you can provide the coaching sessions through video calls, emails, phone or by recording your sessions and send them. For providing coaching you surely have to know more than your client, you cannot just google on the go to provide answers to your client’s queries. You must have known at least more enough than that your clients already know. How your clients will know you can provide the coaching sessions pretty well, of course through your writing on your blog. You just need to attract your clients from your writing.
#3 Consulting
Another way to sell your expert services is by being a blogging consultant. You can provide consulting services to your client who is struggling to be in the line of competition. Small blogs who have same niche as your’s or a similar one, you can provide them a great help through your consulting service. If you blog about education, you can surely provide your consulting services to the educational institutes in blogging. Show them through your blog how awesome you’re, but you should also make another blog to be as much popular as yours. So just having a popular blog won’t prove that you can do same to others. You need to show them that you’re an expert in making blog’s popular, then only they will hire you.
#4 By Providing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) service
Being at the top of the search engine is the most important thing for blogs. If you’re an SEO expert then definitely you will be hired by blogs which are struggling to be seen in search engines. You can write about SEO, traffic strategies, how you bring so much audience, how to make your blog popular in social media, etc in your blog so that your client will also know how better you can help them in being found by their targeted audience. Nowadays every blog wants to be at the top in search engine optimization, so if you’re an expert in it, no one will go elsewhere then to hire you.
#5 Keep in touch with Audience and Having Traffic
First of all, you should have strong and attractive contents in your blog for the targeted audience. Then for sure, you just need to increase your traffic to your blog to be an expert for the world. And if you know how to increase your traffic, then with that traffic your clients will also come running to hire you. You must use social media and social media platforms to reach most of your targeted audience. Reach to more and more people by either social media or by webinars and you can also have seminars to reach most of the people as much as possible. Having seminars and webinars will lucratively increase traffic to your blog. Promote your blog in right way or to the right audience in social media and show them what else you can provide them so that they can return to your blog every time to read the useful contents. Show them you’re always there for your audience in social media by showing them your online presence by responding to their queries and questions through your writing in blog and contact services.
You must show your client, you’re ready to rock with your expert services. Provide the best that you have to your clients and in return, you too can have high payment for the awesome service that you provides. Decide which service you can provide best to your client. Let them know you’re available for the required services and you’re the best for the business.