Attracting customers or clients and then keeping them is a tricky prospect, and for some businesses, it can be as elusive as the Holy grail. This article provides five simple tips for you and your business to implement to work your way towards this end goal. It is a process and as such each of the tips can be done in isolation of the others, but the greatest benefit will accrue as you implement all five steps in conjunction and as support for each other.
Communicate, communicate, communicate
The key means to attracting customers is to communicate your product specifics in as clear a fashion as possible. Possible and probable customers and clients need to know about your business. This is, however, only the first of many expected interactions. Your business then needs to continue this journey and build upon this with continued communication. The purchase of your product and service is but the first step.
Be specific, know who they are
If the communication mentioned above will work in your favor, you need to ensure you know who you are talking to. In an age where data is so important, you must be able to access, store and process the data you need on your customers to know who you are communicating with. The messages you send to different customer groupings need to be as varied as they are and specifically speak to them, or they may not see the product as theirs.
Be specific, know who you are
The brand must be consistent and clear as to who the business is and what you do. There should be no confusion as to the nature of the business and the ongoing aims of perfection in products and services and aftercare, and customer experience. This must be clear from the get-go and remain clear in your continued development and growth. The company brand must be seen throughout, and even the humble email should carry the company logo, color scheme, and occasional product tit-bits. This can be done with a professional email signature from rocketseed.com, whereby you ensure that anything that is sent from the business is branded and says clearly who you are.
Perfect the product
Yes, it’s clichéd, but the key to your success will be the actual product or service that your business supplies to your customers. It won’t matter how great you are at designing clever marketing strategies and communicating directly with your customers; if your product or service cannot do what it says on the can, then you need to re-think the business viability. The product or service must be professional, well made, and long-lasting.
Take advice from your customers
The customer or client does know best. They know what they want and need and, yes, may need a slight nudge in the right direction. Intrinsically your customers and clients know best as to how your product could be of more use and perhaps find itself in more homes with more users. Let your customers be the route to your business success.
It is a step-by-step process, but if you can do these five simple things, you can ensure that you will attract and retain customers.