Why Is There A Boom In Food Delivery Systems in 2022

In today’s tech-savvy and busiest lifestyle, considering this pandemic [which is scary and unforgettable] the overall scenario in every household-be it poor or rich; living life, working from home 24*7, life has become topsy-turvy. Every single member of our house- working or non-working tends to become lethargic depending on our work culture and surrounding area. Due to this hectic work-life and changing rules of government due to pandemic situations, we cannot go out nor invite anybody at our home sweet home for parties and celebrations.
The result is hybrid celebration. Meaning everything is to be celebrated virtually via- mobile, laptop, whatsapp calls and posting our happy moments on social media in full-on data-speed. Having said this, we can enjoy the family moments and make our home sweet home memories the sweetest and memorable. Of course we miss our near and dear ones a lot, some are a few kilometres away while some are abroad and we cannot meet and greet them personally. To make these moments more enjoyable and special, we present you every bit of happiness a few click away from your cell phones.
In this hectic lifestyle, every single businessman/businesswoman is trying their best to make their own mark in the market. In olden days, we always ordered pizza’s and MacDonald’s foodstuffs from our home and we were happiest to see the delivery boys at our doorstep. We used to gorge on that delicious food items happily. Gone are the days of pizzas and MacDonald’s delivery. In this technical and digital world, now every single business has jumped into delivering of items whichever is of the customer’s choice. Similarly, today I present some of the interesting facts of mobile-apps to make your life instant, happy and at cheapest options.
You can play with your device for few minutes to book any cabs, theatre-shows, room services, food items, trips etc. These all are inter-connected on mobile or telephonic services. This is the beauty of mobile app developers. A big HATS-OFF to the developers who have made our life fast and easy. I assure you to get instant offers and benefits on your orders through Food Delivery System which is definitely IN-DEMAND. Come-on lets understand how.
Nowadays, people are having variety of options and multiple apps in their android phones. They have equally become smartest like their smart phones. Ordering anything on this Planet Earth is just as easy as clicking a button. In order to stay in this business, one needs to be an attention-seeker and crowd-puller. This in-turn is helpful in keeping our customers royal as well as loyal towards each other. So, the best possible option is to share push- notification option. It helps in keeping everybody connected to their fingertips. The idea is to serve them the best possible discounts, various offers based on their locality and bombarding them with messages which should not be a headache but a mind-blowing one. It must be valuable as well as easy on the wallet/pocket. This helps in sustaining in this market as well the business as a whole.
We must give our customers multiple happiness in terms of getting some percentage on their cash-back, multiple options on discounts who are loyal as well as royal with us from Day-1. This in-turn keeps both the parties satisfied as well as contented in their own terms. Satisfied by ordering and contented on eating the food goes hand-in-hand. This technique helps us to create an image in the mind and heart of the person. In Marathi language, they say, we can make a way to a person’s heart through his stomach. So if our customers stomach is full, he will keep our business flourishing for ages [mouth publicity and social media publicity] this-in-turn keeps us engaged as well as creative in all respects.
As per survey, every single customer [including me] looks for options like cash-back and what discount am I going to get on my ordered item. This statistical data is seen in almost 45-50% while some royal customers also keep on re-checking how much they have earned points-of-loyalty.
In this case, creating Brand Awareness/ Mass consumers is of utmost importance. Hence, many players in this business play keen attention on the customers-point-of -loyalty. For instance, a big brand like Starbucks, has successfully expanded its business by 85% in its loyalty program which is a definitely greatest achievement
GPS is one of the world’s greatest inventions because it helps every single customer to understand when and where their product has reached so far. Curious customers are always the best customers. They keep on tracking their orders which makes them more interested to understand the app, the order as well their own schedules [in case of weekend delivery/ rainy season issues/ traffic]. Similarly, they can keep on checking where their ordered food has reached and for how long can they make their guests waiting and engaging in memorable conversations. Its purpose is quick, real and easily functional. It is worldwide used by users to promote and provide best experience to their customers. For Instance: Google map.
Payment is the heart of every business. Without payment no business can function smoothly and safely. It plays an intense role on behalf of our customers if they are satisfied / unsatisfied with the food. This is very fishy as well as risky because they might order/not; the next time depending on the taste of food. In order to make this process profitable yet instant, every consumer must be well versed with the payment options on the listed food in the delivery app. For this, we have variety of options like G-pay, Amazon payment services, online transactions like Debit card/Credit card, payment-on-Delivery, Phone-Pe, Bhim app etc. We also can use the scan code available on the food-delivery application.
Be it online/offline, Life sucks without social media. Having said that, social media is the backbone of every single business strategy. It has served as a Godly figure in the mass-marketing strategy. It is one of the catchiest, easiest and cheekiest processes to connect to people all over the world. Every customer’s decision depends on the feedback as well as reviews and rankings. People share their photos and videos of their happy moments all over the social media. This includes their mood of happiness like reports/results, appreciations, approvals, success stories, food and selfie related to their moments of celebrations. They share it with not only their near and dear ones but also to the world as a part of whole.
Making food-app visible on various social media accounts helps in creating a track record of multiple visitors, viewers, commentator’s thereby helping us to attract mass public on daily basis. This helps in creating a chain of customers with new invitations alongwith the existing ones. This in turn helps in recurring the orders and customers as a whole.
Feedbacks, suggestions, advices are of utmost importance for any business to survive in this cut-throat competitive world. It is extremely helpful to make preferential changes in any form based on the customer’s expectations and experiences. These delivery-apps can understand the current scenario and can definitely read the mind of the customer to make them happy at any said condition. This helps in giving multiple ranking and stars to various restaurants, take-away, hotels which in turn helps us to understand who is the top player in the food business and who is still to bat n bowl on the ground reality. It is tried-n-tested-formula to respond to the consumers. The top ranker will be given prior importance and their business will flourish to the extent and the poor scorer /ranker will have to strive hardest to comeback in the top form by making changes and survive in the business as well as the market. This ranking and reviewing will serve helpful for one and all altogether.
Food delivering applications are designed to make their customers user-friendly. It is based on a Design- User- Interface {DUI}. It makes them to communicate easily, order from a reliable source and being hale and hearty in their placement of orders. In short term, they get to expand and research to what they exactly need and want. Need and want are both different terms and I’m sure it’s a win-win situation for both the parties as it proves a smashing and convincing process when it comes to online food ordering. This proves very progressive as well as considerate.
No matter you are in whichever/whatever business, the mentioned aforesaid key-points are a must-haves in every business strategy. I request to all my readers [worldwide] to kindly share your viewpoints, experiences [good/bad so far] and suggestions to let the world understand you and your idea of smart-business. Also, if you feel any information is missing, please feel free to raise your voice.
Always remember, Sharing is caring. Take care and God bless you all!