Which things are important to add in About Us page?

Will you lend money to a stranger? Even if they promise to offer a valuable thing in return. No, right? Well, that’s how the eCommerce industry works. Customers are taking a leap of faith by trusting eCommerce businesses which operate behind the veil of a website.
The online storefront is all that the customer gets to see and know about an online store. What if someone wants to dig deeper into who is running a eCommerce business and what their story is? They scroll to the page bottom and click on the obscure ‘About Us’ page where there is small hope for such information to be found.
For online store, each and every web page is important whether it is About Us, Checkout or Product information page and they need to be secured with atleast cheap price website security Comodo SSL certificates to enhance customer’s trust towards the online store.
Some might think that the ‘About Us’ page is just a formality that has been handed down generations of web developers. Absolutely, not. Although it is the most rarely visited web page in the entire sitemap of an eCommerce store, it does hold its throne position as one that speaks about the business in the most genuine form. No hard-selling, deals or discounts are found here. Just everything ‘About Us’, about the business, who they are and what they do.
Although the subject matter content of an About Us page is simple and straightforward, things take a difficult turn when it comes to writing your own ‘About Us’ page.
Relax. You don’t have to sweat worrying about it. There are websites who have absolutely nailed the art of writing awesome eCommerce ‘About Us’ pages. All you need to do is to take inspiration from them and create a fresh one for yourself.
To simplify things, some tips are listed below on how to make a good eCommerce about us page:
Tell a story
Stories never fail to fascinate us. It sure never fails to make an impression in an eCommerce About Us page either. After all, every business has some story to it.
- How the founder got the idea?
- How the idea matured into a business model?
- How the first deal or first sale was made?
All the frivolous things can be connected together to frame a story that the brand can boast about in its About Us page.
Spread your vision
Businesses that outlast their competitors are built on a vision. Market forces of demand and supply do not affect them.
Is your business one such entity with a vision? If so, you are in luck. The business vision is excellent material for your About Us page. Tell the world why you started selling online. What difference are you intending to make to the world by selling online? That should make your About us attractive for customers as well as for future investors too.
Explain your ‘Why’
Simon Sinek, the British-American author, organizational consultant and motivational speaker says that the top performing brands in any business speaks about their ‘Why’ more than their ‘What’ and ‘How’.
Using the About Us page is an excellent way to answer your ‘Why’. Your answer could inspire confidence in the minds of customers and make them more respectful of the brand and its offerings.
Showcase the company history
If you are lucky to have a company history that dates back few decades (or even a century), you are sitting on a goldmine! Customers, as well as general online users, have a great fascination for history and trivial information about the companies they are dealing with.
To make good use of their interest, you can showcase the company’s history as an infographic, video or a slideshow. Such material can explain how the business has evolved over the years. It will surely make your About Us page stay apart from the young and just-born business websites.
Reveal the brains behind
Do you have an amazing team which toils behind the scenes to make your product or service a hit? Well, bring them to the light by describing who they are, what they do, what are their specialities and so on in the About Us page. For everything your team does for your business, some credit is also due to them.
Present a business concept
Not all businesses are built alike. They have different products, services and concepts. Sometimes they are complicated and need some extra briefing to make things clear. That is exactly what About Us pages are for. Use them to break down your complex business concepts into understandable ideas.
Use a character
Too much of wit never killed anyone. Using a little bit of wit, like a comical character or a pet in your About Us page can make your website appear more approachable. In fact, it will help you give a unique voice and feel to your website among the countless others that could be stuffed with business jargons and preaching of ‘Excellence’.
Final Thoughts
Don’t be misled by the little popularity of the About Us page. It is the cornerstone of any website, including an eCommerce store. Customer, investors and the public use it to know about the business and its operations. These fine tips for About Us pages will help you create a fantastic about us page.